Travel across the Multiverse with your action figure photography and set up shop on the Cosmos Back Street Pop-Up. This new design is perfect for all of your science fiction needs. This astonishing city Pop-Up is located in a universe that is not so distant for your toy photo desires.
The Cosmos Backdrop features four immensely detailed panels that stand 14 inches tall. Each of the panels features a new science fiction inspired design that makes your action figure a part of a living breathing world. Two of the wall panels feature blast doors that can removed. Along with those blast doors, you also get a 3D alleyway with stairs that extends the toy action out further. The Cosmos Back Street Pop-Up also features a floor panel to create the perfect setting for your figure of choice from head to toe. Don’t miss out on what will be the perfect set-up for any intergalactic toy photo you want to tell.
- Seamless connecting panels
- Create the ultimate environment experience for your action figures
- 3D Staircase to add even more depth to each and every photo
- 3D Opening doors
- Four (4)19" wide x 14" tall panels (Connect them as you wish)
- One (1) 12" wide x 8" deep x 14" tall stairs
- One (1) 2" wide x 14" tall 3D columns
- One (1) 38" x 28" ground panels
- Three (3) 3D Doors
- 1:12 - This product is to scale to all 6"-7” action figures.