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Shop NowRecreate the past, create the future, all in your hands!
Time to hit the squared circle, or get into a Backstage brawl!
Bring your Action Figures to Life!
Extreme-Sets has accomplished its goal to invent Pop-Up Dioramas and related products that are new to the marketplace, and have never been done before at an affordable price. Extreme-Sets has been featured as an outstanding “must-have” for kids and collectors alike.

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What makes Extreme-Sets special?
The ability to free play as you wish! Move the panels around and recreate in seconds. Never shoot the same setup twice. You can always configure a new setup for endless possibilities and pleasure. You do not need to setup the entire Diorama for toy photography. You can use just a few panels at a time. Once you are done Pop-Ups breakdown for easy storage.

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Meet the personalities behind the lens
Jump aboard the train!
One thing that's for sure, you will always find something in the Subway Terminal.
Meet the Toy Photographers

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